Friday, November 14, 2008

Must change this

It's sad not writing much anymore.... Notes from Vegas:

Nov 10, 08
Going on the end of the year again, I'm sitting at Raffle's Cafe in the Mandalay Bay Hotel alone. was flown here to learn the secrets of our new system-in-progress. Switch over date: Jan 1, 2009. Saw our new corporate building - something else - even had hardwood ceilings - what -. Wandered through the crowds tonight on my way to buy smokes, water, and a treasure for my B.


I think I've heard more foreign languages and accented English here than American - at least in the streets. They've given me a tiny dark table in the backest section of the restaurant, up next to a huge window overlooking glass that reflects the restaurant back to me, but in the daytime would overlook some bushes on the garden level.

Everybody bailed tonight. E got sick, the fckr and A works too hard - eh.

The Alfredo Chicken pasta isn't bad. The wine is hitting me fast. Slick.

B told me we should elope to Vegas. Maybe we can spend our honeymoon in the red rock mountains. I wouldn't mind eloping, I think. Having Elvis as our witness. Maybe we can arrange to elope simultaneously with Kriki and her E. That might be terribly fun.

Just finished reading The Awakening by Kate Chopin. She didn't start writing till she was in her forties I think. Pretty cool.

My belly's filling up and still I can't quench the sting of the wine. Hmm...

That's all. It's sad not writing much anymore. I must change this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i type slow just with one hand becuz cat eloise on my lap wants me to pet her...yes i havent written much either...must start again